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The camera on the 4-Axis aircraft transmits footage back to your smart device in real time. NOTE, please read the instruction carefully before you take off. Main function: 1. Real time display of the image from 4-Axis aircraft via WIFI 2. WiFi破解专家App是一款十分出色的手机WiFi破解软件,这款软件能够帮助用户进行快速的手机WiFi的查找与连接,能够让用户更加轻松的链接到公共场所的各种WiFi,从此再也不用担心热点,喜欢的用户欢迎下载体验吧! WiFi管家手机版是一款WiFi管理工具,使用WiFi管家让你体验快速、流畅的连接体验,扩充免费wifi密码库,无需密码,一键连接,WiFi管家新版还新增了wifi广播功能,新增扫描蹭网设备,让您的WiFi更方便更安全。 扫码下载APK. 应用截图.

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